Vineyard Granite Flagging

Vineyard Granite Flagging

Vineyard Granite Flagging is commonly used for walkways and patios and is an irregular mosaic shaped natural stone. Vineyard Granite® is a coarse grain stone indigenous to the central core of New England mountain ranges. The stone is predominantly gray, black and white with splendid crystals of peach and pink. Stones are 1″-3″ thick with flat tops.

See our pricing page, call 800.231.2200 for pricing on your project or request a quote:


Sizing: 0.5-2.25 SF per piece
Thickness: 1-3 inch
Approx. 70 SF per ton
Packaging: 1.25-1.95 ton (average of 1.5 ton) pallets
UOM: Sold per ton by the full pallet only

Vineyard Granite is a coarse grain stone indigenous to the central core of New England mountain ranges. The stone is predominantly gray, black and white with splendid crystals of peach and pink.

For additional information about this product, please CONTACT US or call 978-742-9800 to speak with a stone specialist today.