Treat Your Web Site Like A Plant, Not A Brochure

Treat Your Web Site Like A Plant, Not A Brochure

Marketing Tips for Stone Masons, Hardscapers and Landscapers

Google “reads” your web site based on the frequency of your uploads – that helps customers find your web site. So…

  1. Upload at least one photo each week. (You are doing projects, right?)
  2. Name the photo file something Google can read, like Boston Blend Thin Veneer Siding, not IMG_0443
  3. Add a caption that describes the project just as if you were searching for it: Stone Chimney Boston Blend Mosaic
  4. Only upload finished projects. Crop the photo to eliminate tools, hoses, and trowels!
  5. Become a Stoneyard Certified Installer and get leads from our Installer Search.

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