How Should I Mix and Match Natural Stone Shapes?
Mix of Boston Blend Mosaic, Boston Blend Round, Boston Blend Square & Rec, and Boston Blend Ledge Stone Formula: Mix & Match Colors and Shapes to Create a Unique Design
Detailed Installation Tips
Three Thin Stone Veneer Corner Installation Tips
How to Use Thin Veneer Corners to Elevate your DesignThere are many benefits to using natural thin cut stone veneer including a wide range of applications, ease of use, and
Three Mortar Joint Options for the Perfect Installation This video shows examples of the different ways to install and grout natural thin stone veneer choosing grout color, size, offset and even overgrouting. David Croteau of explains
Corners for Natural Thin Stone Veneer
Available to Match All Colors and ShapesThin Veneer is 1 inch thick, and light enough to adhere directly to any masonry surface. Once installed, it is nearly impossible to tell